Friday 26 October 2012

Play Nice

OH, it has been a while and just like so many other bloggers my good intentions to write regularly have went astray. Yet, I am still here and still have those same intentions, just a different direction. I am still learning about being in the moment, being aware and conscious and everyday learn something new about myself and how I react to my  environment.

Solitary time is very important to me and I feel I am at my best when I am alone. What does that say about me though, that I can't play nice with the other kids?? Well, sometimes that is true, others do sometimes rattle me and get on my nerves and I am AWARE that they do.I am attempting to figure out why and I ask myself, often, what is it about this situation or person that makes me react?

I have a great desire to be able to "let it go", and I have improved, yet have so far to go. I am learning about duality, allowing what is to be what is, accepting that there is no right or wrong view, mine or theirs, but rather there is just is. I find when I am alone, obviously, that I don't have to consider "this or that" because I am in that moment of allowing and enjoying the unfolding of events in that moment. Yes, I have come a long way, I have learned that it is not necessary to comment to another in the moment that I find annoying, (except family and I am working on that) and that it usually is not worth the effort of backlash.

What I am having difficulty with is how do I deal with the feelings of unfairness or wrong that takes place. Is "let it go" the right thing to do when I feel it is a disservice to others, is my opinion not valid? I am learning that the "truth" needs to be viewed objectively, not my truth or the person that I am in disagreement with but the actual truth. What are all of the facts? Do I have them all? Do I have the full story, the real story and not assumptions? Often we get so into our own head and the stories we tell that we loose sight of the truth. We tells ourselves that someone does not like us or that we are better then another and these things may become our new version of the truth.

The ability to objectively look at a situation is a skill that I am still developing and am all too aware that is not done well when I am by myself. To hone this ability I need to be among people and be diligent, persistent and patient and learn to be an aware participant AND spectator in each moment. I need to see the truth, even if it requires admitting that I may not be right. Learning to accept "what is" and becoming aware enough to witness the real truth in each situation is the playing nice that is required to allow a deeper enjoyment of the moment.