Wednesday 7 March 2012

Ingredients To A Balanced Life (part 2)

“The more I have observed human behavior, the more convinced I have become that the key to health is understanding each person’s individual needs, rather than following a set of predetermined rules. I saw plenty of evidence that having a happy relationship, a fulfilling career, an exercise routine and a spiritual practice are more important to health than a daily diet.”
                                               Joshua Rosenthal, from Integrative Nutrition

While we cannot deny that what we eat is important to the way we feel and the way we function from day to day, it is also important to recognize that other factors play an enormous role in our health as well. Our overall happiness and satisfaction is nourished by our physical, emotional and spiritual practices. We don’t just live well by eating right and exercising we also crave healthy relationships, achievements, romance, intimacy, creative expression, adventure, spiritual connections and fun. These energies feed us, give us purpose and meaning and offer a reason to live well, as Joshua Rosenthal calls them they are our primary foods.
“Primary food is more than what is on your plate. Healthy relationships, regular physical activity, fulfilling career and a spiritual practice can fill your soul and satisfy your hunger for life. When primary food is balanced and satiating, your life feeds you, making what you eat secondary.”
Rosenthal makes more suggestions on how to get the most nourishment from our primary sources, beginning with the company you keep. When you surround yourself with negative individuals, people who don’t share your vision or philosophies they drag you down. It is important to be around those who bring your energy up, inspire and encourage you.  We all tend to hang on to old relationships that no longer serve us, a high school friend, a former lover or co-worker who we feel an obligation to but who really doesn’t ”fit” into our current life.  Sometimes these old relationship alienate potential healthier, new relationships, therefore it is time to cut the cord. Rosenthal recommends looking at old friendships like    you do your wardrobe, clear it out as the seasons of your life change and discard what no longer serves you, sounds harsh but it makes sense. Is it time you for to shop for some new friends?
Another area of nourishment is how we spend our time, most of which is spent at work. Do you enjoy your work? Is it draining you? Stressing you? If you love your work you find it invigorating and it feeds your energy.  Obviously with today’s economy it isn’t realistic to imagine you can just quit your job and go find one that you love. So instead learn to love (or make the most of) the job you are in. I remember a woman that was a sign holder on a road construction crew that was doing work on a hi-way near where I live. All summer, a hot summer, she did nothing but hold that sign, talk into the walkie talkie and turn the sign, a boring job by anyone’s standard. She was enthralling to watch, she waved at each car, smiled, joked and made the day of the people in the cars waiting to pass the construction zone.  Before the end of the summer the drivers that used that route regularly were on a first name bases with the Sign Lady, they would bring her coffee if they were traveling in the morning or cool drinks in in the afternoon. She found a way to fall in love with her job, she was making a contribution. I will never forget her friendly face, if you can’t change your job find a way to make it the best it can be, sometimes that might be simply changing your way of thinking.
A spiritiul practice, yet another of our primary foods, is important to bring us in tune with ourself and the universe. No one is an island, we are all part of the bigger picture and when we have a spiritual connection, whether that is through prayer, meditation, nature or whatever, we have the ability to connect with others, our goals and our purpose. Our spiritual connection nourishes and allows us to grow in appreciation and understanding of the world. What are you doing to feed your spirit these days, meditating? journalling? visualization? Find something that you can make a daily practise and take the time to restore and nourish your soul.
Rosenthal's Intergrated Food Pyramid

Become aware of all the aspects of your day that nourish you, not just the food you eat but the "primary foods" as well. You are a unique human being and therfore the solution to you achieving optimal health is unique. Only you can calculate the correct measure of each ingredient, do you require more rest or more exercise, more solitude or more companionship discover what works and go and get it and learn to love yourself and be the best you can be.  
   By loving yourself completely you will reach a new height of health that no food could ever give you. And by expressing your authentic self, your life force will soar, your heart will open, and the world will never look  the same.

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