Wednesday 3 August 2011

The Fountain of Youth

We are all born full of energy, vitality and flexibility. Simply spend a day with a baby and see how they can bend, stretch and contort all day long. Try to mimic them for a day and you will probably end up with sore muscles and very exhausted.
They are youthful because they are young!
It is a common misconception that we automatically loose this "youthful" ability to stretch and move endlessly as we age. Not so, we loose it because we stop using it. Our muscles and joints are designed to work, to move and groove for our entire stay on this plain. We often hear people complain about getting old, stiff joints, aching body parts and they accept that this is an natural part of life and a maturing body.

Keeping it is easier than finding it. 
A subtle, strong body is the epitome of youthfulness. Rediscovering our natural flexibility takes constant effort, stretching everyday is an effective way to regain our lost youth. The practice of yoga allows you to focus your energy on the physical body. Yoga poses encourage oxygen into all joints and muscle groups including the brain and allows for the added bonus of personal  introspection. Yoga requires little in the way of equipment however the benefits are enormous. Find a good yoga book or DVD and get started regaining your youth.

Aging With Grace
I must admit that the idea of aging does not concern me at all. I take care of myself, I exercise, including yoga, everyday. Yoga has become part of my lifestyle. I used to believe it was only for the highly spiritual or the frail who are unable to do "real" exercise. NOT SO, yoga can be as intense or relaxed as you choose, it can enhance other workout regimes, help improve your focus at work and create a calming effect in all areas. The health benefits are well documented and endless which explains why millions of people all over the world engage in the practice daily and yoga studios are flourishing. My goal is to age gracefully and I believe I may have discovered my personal fountain of youth in the practice of yoga.

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