Thursday 19 January 2012

Finding Focus Through Meditation

I have been working towards a regular meditation practice for a couple of years. I began by listening to music with a positive subliminal message attached, this usually took place around midday and ended with me falling asleep. I believed that because it was subliminal and I could still hear it I was benefiting from resting and listening. Next I tried self trance/hypnoses recordings, I would be instructed to visualize! as the soothing voice lead me deeper and deeper and guided me.......usually to sleep! Perhaps lying down at noon wasn't the best practice for me. I then found guided meditation and this really helped me become more focused, I experienced some true insights.These guided meditations had a focus that kept my mind from wandering and me from dozing off. Sometimes my meditations lead to the past, or future, towards health and healing or even to problem resolution. I was really thrilled with the direction these recordings were taking me but I had not developed a consistant habit of using them and the benefits were intermittent at best. I wanted to become committed to the practice so I decided to make it a daily habit. Just as I consistently show up for my workout, yoga and personal hygiene habits every day I wanted show up to meditate. 

At first I would sit down to meditate AFTER my workout and that was pretty disastrous, I couldn't calm my mind, I just couldn't focus. I decided to try to implement my new habit first thing in the morning before my work out. Now, for me this was a tough thing to do for a couple of reasons, #1, this was the coveted spot for my workouts, I have been doing this for years. However, I reminded myself that my workout is a well established habit and I would make it happen no matter what! And, #2, I feared I would just fall back to sleep if I wasn't moving around. But I tried it and it worked for me, now everyday I get up at five a'clock, grab a drink of water and retreat to my "space", I put on some light music, (an instrumental called Weightless which is supposed to be the most relaxing song ever), I dim the lights and sometimes light a candle, I position myself comfortably with my legs crossed and I begin. I use different techniques to focus my mind, some I learned through practice some I created as I went along. I do whatever it takes to "tame the drunk monkeys" in my mind. The more I "practice" the easier and easier it is to stay focused. I can sit longer without feeling my back ache or my feet falling asleep. More and more often I am quick to slide into a light meditation and become unaware of my surroundings, things like the furnace blowing, the temperature in the room or the light coming through the window don't distract me. I arrive at a calm and focused place that is unparalleled to any other place I have been. Most days want to sit longer, I don't want it to end.

                                           I can completely relate to the Samurai in the video.

My meditation practice has improved my ability to focus. I find that I am able to stay on task and concentrate better and I have learned to focus on one thing at a time. Also, when I'm focused I find I can complete a job more efficiently and in half the time.  I remember to focus on the progress of the project not worry about the possibility of failure. I find it difficult to believe that such a simple practice, sitting down and meditating, can have such an enormous impact on a persons life.  Making meditation a daily habit has helped me become more focused and I can't wait to see
 where my practice takes me next.

"Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand.
The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus."
                                                                                  Alexander Graham Bell

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