it is you need to do and that may mean dropping something of lesser importance. For years I have been waking up long before the rest of the household to perform my most important task for the day and that is to work out. I usually have my cardio, weights, yoga and more recently 30 minutes of meditation done before the rest of the fam-jam are up and moving. Crazy, maybe, but I am taking the time, making it a priority and showing up because it is important to ME. I don't make excuses or complain, I just do it. It helps a lot that I also love, love, love doing these things and being up early, by myself in the quiet morning light. I get my best "stuff" done early in the morning. However, the point is I have found a method that works for me to get it done. I didn't create an extra two hours on the clock, I simply dip into the time that is already there and use it to my advantage.
I TAKE IT.....

That's how you take the time,
you aren't making more time, your claiming it as your own.
I have been a list maker for years and I tend to number the items on my list, I do the first thing first and so on. I focus on one thing at a time, I can't do yoga and think about my laundry or meditate and think about yoga, when I finish that item I move to the next. I place all my energy into the activity I am doing right now. If I make a list that is a bit over zealous and don't get it all done I put it on tomorrows list. If it becomes a top priority (because I have postponed it too long) it moves to the top of the list. It all gets done eventually but my fundamentals, my top priorities get accomplished without fail, because I TAKE the time to do them because they are at the top of my list, everyday!.
You're never going to make more time, ever.... So, set your priorities, rank them, schedule them and take the time because it is important to YOU. It doesn't matter what it is or who's watching just do it for yourself. You may be sorry it if you don't, but I can almost guarantee that you will never regret it when you TAKE the time to make yourself your top priority.
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