Saturday 5 November 2011

Shhh, Turn Off The Noise

I love the quiet of the early morning, just before the sun comes up and the day starts buzzing. I do my best thinking at this time, I assemble my thoughts and prepare mentally for the day ahead. The best part is that everything in and outside the house is peaceful, the radio, the t.v., the computer, the phone, even the hum of the lights are silent. I have heard people complain that it can be too quiet, I believe that there is no such thing.

As a society we have lost the ability to be alone with our silence for fear of being lonely so we seek to be continually stimulated or entertained. There is so much we can learn about ourselves when we are quiet, reflective and peaceful. It opens the door for creativity as well as provide an opportunity for honest communication with ourselves. Plus, becoming still has the added benefits of stress reduction, improved focus and concentration. It's important to find a balance in our day and take a time-out occasionally to
 turn off the noise and be silent.

I wake early intentionally to be alone in the morning silence, usually before dawn, I love to see the first wisps of the sun on the horizon and be alone in those quiet moments. My thoughts are my own, clear, uninterrupted and focused which allows me to become more present and attuned when the noise gets turned back on.

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