Wednesday 23 November 2011

What motivates you?

We have all had those days where where we feel that the world is against us and we want to give up, quit school, quit a job, quit a relationship or give up on a dream. Sometimes an incident or bad experience may make us feel like running from it because we can't see  past the obstacle in front of us. However, each obstacle creates a new opportunity and success comes from taking risks. When we look at a situation from a new perspective we often find as alternative staring us right in the face. Let's learn to respond rather than react. We want to live our lives on our own terms, so give yourself time and when a challenge arises ask yourself,  what am I willing to risk? The answer will be your motivation for success.

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity"
                                                                          Albert Einstein

The majority of us will never know what true challenges are in life. We will never know hunger, poverty, disability or war. Yet, we can learn from those who have had such experiences. It can be a strong motivator for us to practice "being the best we can be", which is the ultimate goal in life. We can draw motivation from anywhere and everywhere, a story, a movie, an experience, an individual, an organization, a picture or from within. I have always considered myself a "self motivator" the
inspiration usually comes from elsewhere but the drive to succeed comes from inside. I think what motivates me and makes me strive for success is the belief that.....
      I will be better for having taken the risk.

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