Wednesday 23 November 2011

What motivates you?

We have all had those days where where we feel that the world is against us and we want to give up, quit school, quit a job, quit a relationship or give up on a dream. Sometimes an incident or bad experience may make us feel like running from it because we can't see  past the obstacle in front of us. However, each obstacle creates a new opportunity and success comes from taking risks. When we look at a situation from a new perspective we often find as alternative staring us right in the face. Let's learn to respond rather than react. We want to live our lives on our own terms, so give yourself time and when a challenge arises ask yourself,  what am I willing to risk? The answer will be your motivation for success.

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity"
                                                                          Albert Einstein

The majority of us will never know what true challenges are in life. We will never know hunger, poverty, disability or war. Yet, we can learn from those who have had such experiences. It can be a strong motivator for us to practice "being the best we can be", which is the ultimate goal in life. We can draw motivation from anywhere and everywhere, a story, a movie, an experience, an individual, an organization, a picture or from within. I have always considered myself a "self motivator" the
inspiration usually comes from elsewhere but the drive to succeed comes from inside. I think what motivates me and makes me strive for success is the belief that.....
      I will be better for having taken the risk.

Saturday 5 November 2011

Shhh, Turn Off The Noise

I love the quiet of the early morning, just before the sun comes up and the day starts buzzing. I do my best thinking at this time, I assemble my thoughts and prepare mentally for the day ahead. The best part is that everything in and outside the house is peaceful, the radio, the t.v., the computer, the phone, even the hum of the lights are silent. I have heard people complain that it can be too quiet, I believe that there is no such thing.

As a society we have lost the ability to be alone with our silence for fear of being lonely so we seek to be continually stimulated or entertained. There is so much we can learn about ourselves when we are quiet, reflective and peaceful. It opens the door for creativity as well as provide an opportunity for honest communication with ourselves. Plus, becoming still has the added benefits of stress reduction, improved focus and concentration. It's important to find a balance in our day and take a time-out occasionally to
 turn off the noise and be silent.

I wake early intentionally to be alone in the morning silence, usually before dawn, I love to see the first wisps of the sun on the horizon and be alone in those quiet moments. My thoughts are my own, clear, uninterrupted and focused which allows me to become more present and attuned when the noise gets turned back on.

Friday 4 November 2011

Life is a Puzzle

Life is a puzzle, all of our experiences fit together to make each of us very unique individuals. Every choice, positive or negative, success or failure, each emotion and relationship, opportunities seized and lost make us who we are. We learn from each piece, gaining insight about ourselves. Some puzzles are very intricate with lots of twists and turns, others contain plenty of detail and are beautiful to look at, both can be intriguing. And, like every individual the assembly of a puzzle can be a  labour of love and well worth a conscience effort.

Unlike the mass production of commercial puzzles a life is one of a kind. No two are alike, if we were all the same the world would be a very boring place to live? The experiences, perspective and opinions that we each have make us unique but also is what makes us fit together. Everyone has something to contribute. Every experience has a purpose and often much time is spent looking for one particle piece to complete a puzzle only to find it was right in front of us all the time.

I'm beginning to look more closely at my own life puzzle, family, career,  relationships, choices, milestones and celebrations and trying to understand how they all fit together. Sometimes it brings up mixed emotions, heartbreak, sadness, happiness, humour, bad memories and fond memories but they all have worked together to make me who I am. If any one of those pieces had been situated differently, or not at all, I would be a different person. I like who I am and what I have become, I wouldn't change anything about me or the choices I have made. If just one experience had been different I may not have the husband or children I have, I may not have reached my health or fitness goals, the quality of life, the peace of mind or any of the amazing aspects of my life that I adore. In the moment we tend not to see the whole picture of how it will all fit together, however, there is a reason for everything and it is all part of the bigger "puzzle" of life. That's not to say we can't, at times, manipulate the pieces to achieve a desired outcome, we can and should. Life doesn't just happen it evolves and we can direct and shape the pieces to create it the way we want. Not everything can be controlled but with a conscience effort the bigger pieces of the puzzle can shape the beauty of the finished product.  

So rather than lamenting over past mistakes and my 'woulda, coulda, shoulda's, I am embracing my unique life. I consider my personal  experiences as learning opportunities, pearl's of wisdom which I can impart on others. Embrace and honour your experiences, one puzzle 
piece can not complete the entire picture and the puzzle is never complete (and don't be afraid to ask for help).

Every piece impacts the whole... 

Monday 17 October 2011

Fresh Gravel

I live just off a highway on a dirt road. Last week the municipality did some work and laid down a bed of fresh gravel. This is good for the road but not so good for my car. But the great thing about the fresh gravel is that it has forced me to slow down, to give myself more time. Since the maintenance work has been completed I have noticed some thing’s I have apparently been missing while I was speeding to my next destination. For example there is a sumac bush just a little way from my home that is in full, vibrant fall colour, it's yellows, oranges and reds make it actually look like it is on fire. I swear I have never seen it before and it is beautiful.

How could I miss something so amazing?

Well, if I am honest, it's because I have been rushing to get as much done in as short a time as possible.  Checking off my "to do" list with my focus on "get it done" and not necessarily
being present as I do. I have recently started to take time to stop and admire the sumac, it reminds me that quality over quantity is my goal. A stunning display of nature is worth more then a forest of trees when we take a second to appreciate it. A sincere, heartfelt conversation is more valuable then hours of idle small talk when you pause to really connect and to listen.

I'm not sure when everything became so urgent or immediate.When I was a kid things seemed to move slower, we walked among the trees, we swam in the creeks and picked apples on the road sides. Adults spent more time at home and definitely less time on the phone. The pace of the world has increased but the consensus is that quality of life has not. Our perspective is off balance as Emmy Rossum sings we are "running in circles.... forgetting our purpose".
I yearn for those slower days and mourn for the things that I may have missed while I wasn't paying attention. I don't want to let life pass me by so I will make a conscious effort to balance not being too busy as to miss out on life with not being so slow as to no longer be current. 
I obviously need to accomplish certain tasks throughout my day but I am attempting to balance it with an appreciation for the day itself and the things that I am doing. Keeping my purpose in the back of my mind and still being present to enjoy a friend, a great view, a sumptuous flavour. Not losing myself in the busy-ness of activity is proving to take some effort but I keep replaying all of the cliches over in my head, smell the roses, embrace the moments, enjoy the journey. And, if all else fails, I'll pull onto a dirt road and find some fresh gravel.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

The Fountain of Youth

We are all born full of energy, vitality and flexibility. Simply spend a day with a baby and see how they can bend, stretch and contort all day long. Try to mimic them for a day and you will probably end up with sore muscles and very exhausted.
They are youthful because they are young!
It is a common misconception that we automatically loose this "youthful" ability to stretch and move endlessly as we age. Not so, we loose it because we stop using it. Our muscles and joints are designed to work, to move and groove for our entire stay on this plain. We often hear people complain about getting old, stiff joints, aching body parts and they accept that this is an natural part of life and a maturing body.

Keeping it is easier than finding it. 
A subtle, strong body is the epitome of youthfulness. Rediscovering our natural flexibility takes constant effort, stretching everyday is an effective way to regain our lost youth. The practice of yoga allows you to focus your energy on the physical body. Yoga poses encourage oxygen into all joints and muscle groups including the brain and allows for the added bonus of personal  introspection. Yoga requires little in the way of equipment however the benefits are enormous. Find a good yoga book or DVD and get started regaining your youth.

Aging With Grace
I must admit that the idea of aging does not concern me at all. I take care of myself, I exercise, including yoga, everyday. Yoga has become part of my lifestyle. I used to believe it was only for the highly spiritual or the frail who are unable to do "real" exercise. NOT SO, yoga can be as intense or relaxed as you choose, it can enhance other workout regimes, help improve your focus at work and create a calming effect in all areas. The health benefits are well documented and endless which explains why millions of people all over the world engage in the practice daily and yoga studios are flourishing. My goal is to age gracefully and I believe I may have discovered my personal fountain of youth in the practice of yoga.

Thursday 14 July 2011

The Purpose of Life

I have spent a lot of time trying to discover the purpose of life and I think
 I have finally figured it out. 

Now get ready because this is deep.

Our life purpose is to “be the best that we can be”.   
Deep eh, and soooooo simple,
well sort of. 

How do we become the best we can be?

I feel the answer is balance.  Become the cynosure of your own life. 
Focus your energies on a balance of your physical, mental, spiritual AND recreational self.  
This is not to become self centered or arrogant but take care of yourself so that you can enjoy life, feel good and be productive.

Cynergies your life.

Exercise! Strengthen your physical body, cardio, flexing, stretching and yoga make the body strong , do “something “everyday.

Feed your body! Eat right, begin to focus on nutrition and the other stuff falls away, see yourself as healthy and take steps to get and stay that way. 
I’m also a huge fan of detoxifying, 
research the benefits for yourself and you will see why. 

Meditate! Look inside and examine yourself, set goals, learn to relax and become your own motivator. You can obtain inspiration from anywhere and everywhere find something that inspires you and aspire to be /do that too and you will become an inspiration for someone else.

Enjoy yourself! When everything is in balance and you feel good because you are taking care of yourself you have an opportunity to truly enjoy life, everything is better  when you  
      Cynergies your life!